How to Take Care of Library Books

How to Take Care of Library Books

  • Clean your hands before reading your book.
  • Never write, scribble, glue, cut, or tear pages of a book.
  • Save your place with a bookmark, not my folding a page.
  • Turn pages by carefully using the top corner of the book.
  • Carry your book in a book bag to keep it safe.
  • Put your book in a safe place at home, away from babies and pets.
  • Check out the book Penelope Popper, Book Doctor by Toni Buzzeo  from the Library

*******************************************************HHow to Behave in the Library

  • Have good manners.
  • Please use your inside voice when in the library!
  • No gum, food, or drink!
  • Please get mom or dad to help you clean up!
  • No running in the library!
  • Share the books, tablets, and toys with everyone.
  • If you’re finished with a book put it on top of the shelves and we will put it away for you.
  • You need to stay with mom and/or dad when in the library. Don’t let them get lost!
  • Benches are for sitting on.
  • Please don’t run or jump on our furniture.
  • Please take care of the library books!
  • If you need help finding a book please ask a librarian. They are more then happy to help you!



Library programs are often a child’s first “live performance” experience. Participating in a story time  or enjoying a program is different than watching TV or a movie. At these programs and story time, the behavior of the audience can positively or negatively affect the program. A good audience allows the presenter to deliver the best presentation possible. Parents and caregivers are role models for their children and set the example for behavior.

With this in mind, we request that parents and caregivers follow these important etiquette guidelines to ensure a valuable and pleasant program experience for all.

Program and Story Time Etiquette

  1. Please discuss proper behavior with your children before coming to the library program so they will know what is expected of them. For story time, practice reading to them in your lap at home.
  2. Please arrive on time. Late-comers create a distraction and draw attention away from the program. Allow extra time for parking, book browsing, visiting and bathroom breaks beforehand.
  3. Snacks, drinks and toys may be disruptive. Please put them away when you arrive at the library. Cell phones should be turned off or to vibrate.
  4. At programs/story time, children should sit with or near their parent/caregiver or on their lap so they will learn to focus and sit still.
  5. Adults model good library behavior for their children by being attentive, good listeners. Adults are encouraged to participate in songs and finger plays as an example for their children.
  6. If your child becomes disruptive or fussy during the program, please remove them from the program area until they are comfortable, calm and ready to listen.
  7. If you feel your child is not enjoying the program or you must leave, please do so in the least disruptive manner.
  8. If the story time experience proves difficult for your child, a month or two in your child’s development may make a big difference in their readiness for stories. Please practice at home and try again.
  9. There is ample space for stroller and wagons outside the building. Please do not bring them into the Community Room.
  10. Thank you for your help in making our programs enjoyable for everyone!

Copied and edited from Carbondale Public Library, IL

Library Board News

This is the table in our Kansas Room where our board meets the third Wednesday of each month.

In Library Board news: The following four library board members retired in April after serving their full terms: Brenda Mee, Mary Haug, Lacey Frehe, and Matt Lueger. The library staff appreciates their dedication and willingness to serve. Thank you!

The four new board trustees will be Cathy Enneking, Paula Kohlman, Jackie Deters, and James Lueger. They attended their first meeting Wednesday May 16. Election of officers was also held. Cathy Enneking will be Chairperson; Paul Boeding, Vice-Chair; Paula Kohlman, Secretary and James Lueger, Treasurer. Andy Strathman and Barbara Vitt fill out the board. Welcome and thank you for joining our team!

We didn’t get pictures, so you will need to imagine our board members around the table.

Wonderland Murder Mystery Dinner Highlights

We can’t stop talking about our Wonderland Murder Mystery Dinner! Everyone had a wonderful time and we’ve had requests to do another.

We can’t thank the cast enough for their wonderful performance and our dinner guests for supporting our fundraiser for the Main Street Music Garden.

And also, thanks to Jolene Hundley for the fantastic meal.

Thank you to our cast of characters for making this all possible! Starting at the left: Dave Bowman, Susan Bowman, Chad Jones, Kristy Wilhelm, Dona Willmeth, Kylee Luckeroth, Angleia Steiner, Ellie Haynie, Mike Ulmer and Donna Ulmer.


Please Save These for the Library


We are busy making plans for summer time fun for our young patrons. If your family consumes oatmeal or Pringles, please save the cartons/cans for the library.

We would prefer the larger (42oz) oatmeal containers. We need the lids for both projects too.

We are sharing recipes for oatmeal and Pringles to help our patrons use more of these products over the next couple of months.

Once we get enough of the items we need, we will start discussing plans for an exercise club.

Do you have an oatmeal recipe we can share? Or maybe one for Pringles?

I found a recipe for chocolate covered Pringles on Pinterest!! If you try an ‘exotic’ flavor of Pringles, please be sure to send along a review of the different flavors you try.

Apple Crisp recipe








Warm Weather Reminders



According to the calendar, spring has arrived. Sometimes it even feels like spring outside, depending on which hour of which day we are talking. Eventually it will warm up and everyone will be riding bikes to the library. We’d like to remind you to make use of our bike rack.  Large strollers can be parked out to the left of the front doors, out of the way of foot traffic and the drop box. We appreciate your help keeping our walkway clear and safe for everyone. Happy spring!

Here are two links to review bicycle safety with your family:

KDOT Bicycle Safety

The Kansas Cyclist

Music Garden Funds are Rising!


Libraries Rock! That’s what we hope children and adults alike will think when our music garden is ready to perform. Thanks to grants, donations and our mystery dinner fundraiser, we are much closer to our goal, as you can see. These instruments will be part  of a permanent music garden on the east lawn of the library. This music garden will open to the community and is for all ages to enjoy.

Donations are still being accepted for the purchase of instruments. Large donations will be acknowledged on a plaque in the garden. To find out more about the music garden and how you can help, please contact the library.

All of this was inspired by our 2018 summer reading theme “Libraries Rock”.



color coded chime with a song book and mallets



the marimba












We plan to add two flowers, each with different petal notes


Spring has sprung and so has the chance for severe weather.

As a reminder our policy for severe weather is that if the tornado sirens sound

we will lock the doors and patrons will be escorted to the basement for shelter.

If a patron chooses he/she may leave the building before the doors are locked.

Parents please talk with your children about tornado warnings and our policy before sending them to the library.

If you have any questions about our weather policy please visit with the librarian.